The Complete Idiot's Guide to Cold Calling

Paperback cover of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Cold Calling

Published by DK

By Keith Rosen

RRP: $16.95

"Now there is a single source - this book - that gives you the step-by-step, word-by-word instructions you need to get in front of more people and make more sales than ever before. Keith Rosen has brought together, in one book, the very best techniques for getting more and better appointments ever written in the field of sales."

Brian Tracy, author, 'Advanced Selling Strategies'

About The Complete Idiot's Guide to Cold Calling

Does this sound familiar? 'If I could get in front of the prospect, the rest of the selling process becomes easier. It's just getting in front of them that's the challenge'. The fact is most cold-calling efforts are doomed from the start. Salespeople lose sales not due to a lack of effort but because they lack a prospecting system they are comfortable with, and can trust to generate greater, consistent results.

If you are feeling the same way you have been for the last several years (including the 'calling to check in, touch base or follow-up' approach) or haven't been prospecting at all, you're simply making it easier for your competition to take away the new business you are working so hard to earn. So, if you love to sell but hate (or don't like) to prospect, this book is your opportunity to maximize your cold calling potetnial and boost your income by learning how to get in front of the right prospects in less time and create greater selling opportunities without the fear, pressure or anxiety associated with cold calling.