DK England's South Coast

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Published by DK Travel
RRP: $23.00
About DK England's South Coast
Visit and explore England's south coast, and discover historic churches and cathedrals, take hikes in the beautiful countryside, and eat authentic English fare with the first edition of this DK travel guide.
From top restaurants, bars, and clubs to standout scenic sites and walks, our insider tips are sure to make your trip outstanding. Whether you're looking for unique and interesting shops and markets, or seeking the best venues for music and nightlife, we have entertainment and hotel recommendations for every budget covered in our Eyewitness Travel Guide.
Discover DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: England's South Coast.
+ Detailed itineraries and "don't-miss" destination highlights at a glance.
+ Illustrated cutaway 3-D drawings of important sights.
+ Floor plans and guided visitor information for major museums.
+ Guided walking tours, local drink and dining specialties to try, things to do, and places to eat, drink, and shop by area.
+ Area maps marked with sights.
+ Detailed city maps include street finder indexes for easy navigation.
+ Insights into history and culture to help you understand the stories behind the sights.
+ Hotel and restaurant listings highlight DK Choice special recommendations.
With hundreds of full-color photographs, hand-drawn illustrations, and custom maps that illuminate every page, DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: England's South Coast truly shows you the country as no one else can.
Series Overview: For more than two decades, DK Eyewitness Travel Guides have helped travelers experience the world through the history, art, architecture, and culture of their destinations. Expert travel writers and researchers provide independent editorial advice, recommendations, and reviews. With guidebooks to hundreds of places around the globe available in print and digital formats, DK Eyewitness Travel Guides show travelers how they can discover more.
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"Known... for its four-color maps, photos and illustrations, the [DK] Eyewitness Guides are extremely user-friendly for travelers who want their information delivered in a concise, visual way." - Chicago Tribune
"The best option... Color photos, maps, and diagrams bring the place to life." - The Philadelphia Inquirer
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