Guest Post

QUIZ: How Environmentally Friendly Are You?

By DK author Jess French

Did you know that every toothbrush that has ever been made still exists? Or that every year we throw away enough plastic to wrap around the earth four times? As a species, humans are often unkind to the planet that we call home. Luckily, it’s easy to change the future of the Earth if you know how. My book What a Waste teaches you how to live in a way that is kinder to the planet. Every beautifully illustrated spread, gloriously colored with soy inks and responsibly sourced materials, tackles a different problem. From wonky carrots to saxophones made of spoons, you’ll soon have a creative solution to all your eco-problems.

Now, before you rush off to save the world one vegetable at a time, take our quiz below to see how planet-friendly you already are…

QUIZ: How Environmentally Friendly Are You?