Guest Post

How Ayurveda Can Help Relieve Inflammation

Bountiful wellness benefits

Inflammation can occur around the body for many reasons, and can ail a person in a variety of different ways. Sahara Rose, author of Eat Feel Fresh, explains below how Ayurvedic practice can help you find relief.

By Sahara Rose

Inflammation can manifest in a number of ways – sometimes in large ways and sometimes in more menial, smaller ways. As the extreme cases normally are recognized and treated quickly, I think it is important to recognize imbalance in the more “day-to-day” symptoms.

Imbalance can physically manifest when you have:

Skin issues & irritations

When an obvious irritation arrives on the skin, your body is trying to tell you that it is experiencing discomfort and inflammation.

REMEDY: Try to eat more cooling foods

When inflammation occurs, it is often due to an imbalance of the pitta Dosha, which is also known as the fire principle. When this imbalance occurs, it is important to dilute the fire element, by ingesting cooling foods, like organic vegetables and organic beans. Try to stay away from foods that have higher concentrations of fire, like meat, alcohol and coffee.

Brain fog

When this occurs, it is often the body's response to inflammation that occurred elsewhere in the body. When we experience brain fog, we are more apt to forget, lose concentration, and more. This inflammation can be for a number of reasons, but a good way of balancing it out is by learning one's own body constitution, or Dosha.

REMEDY: Learn what foods are right for you

While this is not a quick fix to balancing your body, it will totally worth it in the end. By learning the Doshas that most resonate with you, you are then able to alter your diet to the foods that will be most beneficial to your mind-body type! You can discover yours at

Joint pain

Inflammation is the main cause of joint pain. There are a number of herbs that can help ameliorate inflammation in the joints, such as ginger, turmeric, and ashwagandha. These herbs are filled with healing properties that can work in more ways than one. To offer the highest benefits, try to incorporate as much of these healing herbs into your daily routine.

REMEDY: Golden Milk Recipe

This drink includes, ⅛ turmeric, ⅛ ginger, and a little black pepper mixed into 1 cup of any type of milk. The drink is normally served hot and most people choose to drink it in the morning, to start their day of with an extra kick!

About the author

Sahara Rose is the author of Idiot’s Guide: Ayurveda and Eat Feel Fresh and has been called “a leading voice for the millennial generation into the new paradigm shift” by Deepak Chopra. She is an Ayurvedic Practitioner and hosts the Highest Self Podcast, ranked as the #1 spirituality podcast on the iTunes store with 1 million monthly downloads, also listed as a top podcast by Yoga Journal. Sahara’s mission is to awaken people to their innate potential so they can share their gifts and fulfill their purpose on this planet.