Why do flowers have their colours?

Find the answers to all your gardening questions in Dr. Stu's myth-busting guide.


The world of gardening can be a mystifying place, with so many instructions to follow and often little explanation as to why. In The Science of GardeningDr Stuart Farrimond casts his scientific eye over the garden to answer all the horticultural questions you've ever wondered about. Exploding myths and providing key takeaway advice for gardeners at any level, this book provides a shortcut to decades of gardening experience by explaining the science behind how a garden grows.


  • A easy to follow guide structured around the life cycle of the garden, taking you from first shoots to pruning for renewal.
  • An accessible Q&A format, with stats and infographics to bring the story to life, as well as long-held gardening myths are exploded by new science.
  • Every way to greener fingers has action points so that you can understand the science, apply your gardening practice, and enjoy a flourishing garden.
The Science of Gardening contents page

Why do flowers have their colours?

In this video, Dr Stu lets us in on one of nature's secrets.
Why do flowers have their colours? with Dr. Stu

Want more resources like this?

Below is a short list of some of DK's gardening books, for every type of gardener out there.

For more downloadable gardening PDF resources be sure to have a look at the Gardening section in our Home Learning Hub.