Merriam-Webster Children's Dictionary

Hardback cover of Merriam-Webster Children's Dictionary

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Published by DK Children

RRP: CA$31.99

About Merriam-Webster Children's Dictionary

This top-selling dictionary featuring 35,000 updated words, phrases, images, and authoritative content from Merriam-Webster is a must-have resource for elementary school children.

This new edition of DK's Merriam-Webster Children's Dictionary has a fresh design with color-coded page borders for each letter of the alphabet, and modern photographs and illustrations that give a lively, accessible look at the entries. Each entry is fully explained with its definition, usage, examples, and notes on spelling and punctuation. Word senses have been refreshed to reflect modern usage, and maps and country statistics have been updated to include new countries, cities, borders, and flags.

Merriam-Webster Children's Dictionary is an excellent visual reference resource for kids to have on-hand as they work through school assignments and learn important research skills.