Jonny Lambert's Wake Up, Farm! (Pop-Up Peekaboo)

Board book cover of Jonny Lambert's Wake Up, Farm! (Pop-Up Peekaboo)

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Published by DK Children

By Jonny Lambert

RRP: CA$19.99

About Jonny Lambert's Wake Up, Farm! (Pop-Up Peekaboo)

Meet farm animals one by one in this exciting lift-the-flap book

Lift the flaps to wake up the animals on the farm, and look out for the pop-up surprises! Join the noisy rooster as he visits pigs, cows, and more on a beautiful morning on the farm, in this lovely interactive board book.

Children will delight in the collage-like illustrations of their favorite farmyard animals, by renowned artist Jonny Lambert, and will love joining in with the story as they visit characters one by one. The sturdy board-book format is perfect for little hands, and fun pop-ups under flaps will entertain children again and again.