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Published by DK

RRP: CA$66.00

About Sikhs

Dive into the history, philosophy, and essence of the Sikh faith, and trace its evolution.

At the turn of the 15th century, Guru Nanak embarked on a series of journeys across the Indian subcontinent and instituted an equitable community and an egalitarian religion, built upon the values of inclusion, service, and kindness. Sikhs shines a spotlight on this incredible faith that places service before self. Today, it is the fifth largest religion in the world with more than 30 million Sikhs around the globe.

The book explores the gurus, the scriptures, the philosophy, and the stories and legends. It explains how a faith led to the birth of a historic empire of immense military and political might, maps the emergence of a distinct identity, looks at its impact on the world, and celebrates the contributions of this illustrious community.