Digital Photography Masterclass

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Published by DK

By Tom Ang

About Digital Photography Masterclass

Take a one-on-one digital photography course with award-winning photographer Tom Ang and learn how to get the best from your digital camera.

Before diving into the various aspects of photography, Digital Photography Masterclass explains the key camera controls and how to set up your camera, compose, and light your shot - all invaluable in taking creative photographs. Tom Ang shows you how to develop your skills, perfect the shots using the latest softwares in the digital darkroom, and gain advanced photography skills.

Digital Photography Masterclass is packed with tips and step-by-step tutorials to help you get the best from your digital camera. Tutorials are followed by an assignment that features inspirational photographs to encourage you to practice, experiment, and take your own dazzling shots.

Whether you are a beginner or want to enhance your photography skills, Digital Photography Masterclass is your best guide for all types of photography - portrait, landscapes, sports, wildlife, or even fine art.