Computer Coding
Computer Coding
Computer Coding
Get started

To code you need to use a programming language. Scratch and Python are great languages
for beginners. Click on these buttons to go to their websites

 Scratch Website and Python Download
Computer Coding


DK's coding books teach kids how to create amazing games using Scratch and Python, for example Monkey Mayhem (using Scratch) and Bubble Blaster (using Python).

Monkey Mayhem   Bubble Blaster
Computer Coding
Computer Coding

Frequently asked questions

If you've got a question that doesn't appear in this FAQ please send us an email at and we will try to help you out!

Computer Coding

What is computer coding? Click here to read the answer

"Coding", or "programming", means writing the step-by-step instructions that tell the computer what to do.


Why should I learn computer coding? Click here to read the answer

Creating computer games and programs can be a lot of fun, and helps to strengthen logical thinking and problem-solving skills. Plus there is a shortage of good coders, and the number of jobs that require coding is set to increase.


Why do computers need coding? Can't they do everything themselves?Click here to read the answer

Computers might seem smart, but they're actually just boxes that follow instructions very accurately. Without instructions they wouldn't do anything.


What are Scratch and Python? Click here to read the answer

Scratch and Python are different programming languages. Scratch uses colourful blocks of code, while Python uses lines of text.


What's the best way to start making my own Scratch game? Click here to read the answer

Try experimenting with other people's games first. Change how they look, how their characters move, and how the scoring works. You can then try making your own games.


What's the most important thing to remember when writing games? Click here to read the answer

If you find you're putting the same instructions in several times, think about whether you can use a loop instead. Computers are great at repeating things, and they never get bored.


What is debugging? Click here to read the answer

Most programs contain a few errors at the start. Debugging is the practice of looking for and correcting these errors to make a program run more smoothly.


What is an "indent" in Python? Click here to read the answer

Indents are spaces at the start of lines of code that are used to work out which instructions belong together. It's important that you get the number of spaces correct otherwise the code won't work.


Computer Coding
Python Downloads Visit the Scratch Website