Timelines of Science

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Published by DK Children

By Leo Ball, Patricia Fara

RRP: £25.00

About Timelines of Science

Discover the world of science as never before in this richly illustrated guide bringing key milestones and events to life in visual timelines.

Offering a uniquely accessible and visual approach, this visual science book shows as never before where scientific ideas came from and how they have shaped all of our lives.

The history of humankind has been driven by scientific discovery. From our distant ancestors learning to use tools and fire for the first time, to the modern breakthroughs that have shaped the world we live in today, science has defined the story of humans for thousands of years. Using beautiful illustrations and clear, easy-to-read text, Timelines of Science explains the history of science as it unfolded across the globe, and delves into the story of scientific ideas, practice, and progress one step at a time.

This visual science book features:

- Beautifully illustrated timelines showing events, discoveries, and breakthroughs in the order they happened.
- Expanded entries dig deeper into crucial events and topics.
- Double page features and panels provide visual explanations of the modern-day understanding of science topics.
- Mini-profiles highlight key scientists and other figures of interest.

This visually engaging guide to the history of science brings the subject to life through historic paintings, photographs, drawings, maps, and more! With the easy-to-follow timeline format, it's easy to grasp different scientific discoveries and breakthroughs throughout history. Plus you can see the bigger picture with a truly global coverage - including the work of scientists from the Arab world, China, Europe, and North America.